Orclands Metaverse — A Recap

Orclands Metaverse
3 min readAug 22, 2022

Do you enjoy games like @FortniteGame, @ELDENRING or @ElderScrolls?

@Orclands will be a very similar 3D gaming experience developing using @UnrealEngine where players will control 3D characters in different landscapes which represent different immersive gaming experiences.

These immersive experiences will include;

Battle Arena ⚔️ — The first area to become familiar with the immersive style of gameplay as you fight for survival against waves of villains utilising various Orcs, weapons, armour and items where skill will be required to win.

Farmlands 👨‍🌾- As they say, “Hard work pays off” where you will have the opportunity to find treasure. You will need to stay ever vigilent as villains are lurking everywhere waiting to steal you of your hard earned loot!🏴‍☠️
The land will be scarce, so secure your lot!

Catacomb mines ⛏️- You will be required to explore deep into the mountain in order to locate and find ancient relics from long time ago.
The catacombs are not without danger, many traps and villains wait for unsuspecting Orcs to pass through the ruins. ⚔️

The great hunt 💥 — Adventure awaits up to 100 players to join the hunt. What are you hunting exactly? 🗡️👀
Players pay an entry fee which goes towards the winning prize pool!
Bounties can be collected during the hunt for completing tasks which adds to the competitive nature.

The Forge ⚒️ — The blacksmiths of Orclands have relit the forge in volcano Orcdor and mastered the ancient ways of smithing.

Creating new weapons is not as simple as it may sound; precious ore and other materials are needed for the forge, and these are guarded by dragons.

Orc Markets 📜 — The place to buy, sell, swap or rent all the assets of the Orclands Metaverse.

Beware! The Markets are a place where disputes and fights often break out. Also, Orc thieves’ prey upon unsuspecting traders so make sure you protect your assets.

Our game is based around the concept of play, collect and earn.

Due to blockchain technology, Orclands will allow purchased gameplay items to increase in value, due to a finite supply, and can be resold in a gamers marketplace to other players.

Additionally, gamers will be able to earn prizes and tokens through gameplay which can also be cashed out in the Orc marketplace or exchanged.

Our vision is to make Orclands a household name in the gaming community and will be available on many devices and platforms.

The Freemium version of the battle arena is currently available on Android, PC and MAC for download now from our website https://orc.land

Regarding the blockchain elements currently available, have a look at the following pages:

We have released our $ORC cryptocurrency token with the contract address:


We have also released various functions for the holders which include:
- 1% Transaction reflections rewarding all token holders based on token holdings.

- 2% Token burning for every transaction reducing the circulating supply.

- Staking pools are being released in September, with the pool sizes to be announced very soon!

The more you stake, the more $ORC you will earn.

Want to learn more about the project?

Make sure to follow:

This twitter channel. @orclands

Our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/orclands

Join us on Telegram: https://t.me/orclands

& Discord: https://discord.gg/uATED5wrmN

Visit our website below for further information: https://orc.land

Together, Orcs Strong!



Orclands Metaverse

Orclands Metaverse is a 3D video game developed using Unreal Engine. Battle, Farm, Mine and Hunt in an immersive multiplayer online metaverse.