Male Warrior Orc, Level Two

Orclands Metaverse
2 min readMar 16, 2023


Gromm The Brute

Gromm the Brute is a Level 2 Warrior Orc known for his raw strength and ferocity on the battlefield. He’s not the biggest or strongest of the Warrior Orcs, but what he lacks in size, he makes up for in sheer determination and fighting spirit.

Gromm wields the Skullix Axe, a massive weapon that he’s learned to use to devastating effect. He charges into battle without hesitation, swinging the axe with all his might and cleaving through his enemies. He’s learned to use his size and strength to his advantage, knocking opponents off their feet and overpowering them with his brute force. But he’s also learned to be more strategic in battle, waiting for the right moment to strike and using his opponents’ weaknesses against them.

Gromm is fiercely loyal to his tribe and will stop at nothing to protect them. He’s always looking for ways to improve his fighting skills and become an even greater Warrior Orc. Gromm’s unwavering courage and determination have earned him the respect of his fellow warriors, and his enemies fear him on the battlefield.

Despite his tough exterior, Gromm has a soft spot for his fellow Orc Warriors. He often takes younger Orcs under his wing and trains them in the ways of battle, hoping to pass on his fighting knowledge and ensure that the tribe continues to thrive.

Gromm knows that there are tougher challenges ahead as he climbs the ranks of the Warrior Orcs, but he’s ready to face them head-on. With the Skullix Axe at his side and his indomitable spirit driving him forward, Gromm is determined to become the greatest Warrior Orc that his tribe has ever seen.



Orclands Metaverse

Orclands Metaverse is a 3D video game developed using Unreal Engine. Battle, Farm, Mine and Hunt in an immersive multiplayer online metaverse.